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 Interesting Facts about Google

Google is the fastest search engine. You can search anything on Google and Google also gives you its results. Because Google has the answer to your every question. Google is not only a Search Engine but it's developed more in years. Today Google has several other successful products which we can use like Google, mail, watch videos, upload your videos, read the news, translate other languages ​​, and more. We have collected some of the most interesting and interesting facts about Google which are as follows-

Google was founded in 1998 by two PD.D students at Stanford University named Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

The name of Google is actually derived from the mathematical term 'googol', which consists of one hundred zeros in front of the other.

The first Google was named 'Backrub' When Larry Page and Sergey Brin started it, Google's name was something else,.

The surprising thing is that Google has placed 200 goats in its Head Office to cut the grass, they did not use machines to cut the grass because its voice caused trouble to the working people. Employees claim that they like to see goats outside the windows.

"Google Plex" is Google's headquarter.

Marissa Mayer was The first female employee of Google earlier she was the CEO of Yahoo and she spent 13 years at Google.

After 2010, Google is acquiring on average one company every week Android, Youtube, Waze all these companies are Google-owned companies.

Google also uses a hidden web tool called for google recruitment, which Google searches online. If Google tracks that you are searching for some specific programming such as Python, in which Google is interested they may ask you to apply for the job.

On 30 August 1998, the first Google Doodle was installed on Google. Actually, Sergey and Larry went to a Burning Man festival in Nevada. They put the photo of the Burning Man festival on the google homepage, by which they can tell his users that both of them are not in the office and during this time and will not be able to fix any technical problem.

Google's correct spelling is Google, but if you type,,, and, Google's will still open because it is Google's mistake.

Google's first Storage Computer was built with Legos.

In the US, if a Google employee dies, then Google gives 50% of his salary to his spouse for the next 10 years.

If you want to pronounce any number then just search '= English' after any number.

Google started "Google adword"  in 2000 on which any person or company can run its advertisements.

Today many people are using their blogs by making them, but do you know that Google started in 2003?

Gmail was started by Google in April 2004.

You will know how famous Android has become today, every person is using Android mobile today, Google bought the Android company in 2005.

Google Earth and Google map were started by Google in 2005.

Youtube is the most used video streaming app today, Google bought Youtube in 2006.

Google Chrome was launched by Google in 2008.

In 2012, Google-owned Motorola for 12.5 Billion US dollars.

In every second more than 65 thousand searches are done on Google.

Jeff Bezos the CEO of Amazon put $ 250,000 on Google in the initial time, now the price of Google is close to 2.2 billion.

After you do some search on Google, you have seen in the last like Goooooooooogle keeps writing in this way. This means that Google has billings and trillions of pages related to that search.

If you search for "Google mirror" in Google, then everything upside down, that is, the whole page will look like a mirror.

When you search "askew" on Google, then the Google page tilts slightly to the right.

If you want to see how many times Google has changed its logo, that you can see it by typing the Google logo history in the search engine.

Google earns around Rs 1,30,900 in a second.

If anyone searches on Google, then Google shows you, Mars.

If you type you will see the whole universe sitting at home, you can see the universe on your computer.

If you are bored while working, you can play the game by searching "atari breakout" on Google.

In 1999, Google's founders were offered Google to sell Yahoo for $ 1 million. But Yahoo turned down the offer and today Google is the number one company outstripping Yahoo.

Google's team consists of 14% of employees who never went to college.

YouTube is the second largest search engine.

Google tracks you and has a detailed timeline of everything you do call "My Activity".

Google has a DB of 25 million books that are not allowed to be read.

With the help of Google Map, you can see sea creatures, animals, and ships under the water.

Metadata and its types

Metadata and its types

What is metadata?
Metadata is data about data. In other words, it is information that is used to describe the data that is contained in a web page, document, or file. Metadata is a brief explanation or summary of data. Metadata represents the information used by every industry in many ways everywhere. It is used in information systems, social media, websites, software, music services, and online retailing.

A simple example of metadata: - Metadata for a document can include a collection of information such as the author (author), the size of the file, the date the document was created, and the keyword to describe the document. Artist name, album name, etc. can be taken in Metadata for a music file.

Types of metadata

There are many types of metadata and are used to serve a wide range of purposes that can be broadly classified as business, technical or operational.

Descriptive metadata: Descriptive metadata includes title, subject, genre, author, and creation date.
Rights metadata : Rights metadata can include copyright status, rights holder or license terms.
Technical metadata : Technical metadata includes file type, size, creation date, time, and compression type. Technical metadata is also used for interoperability and digital object management.
Preservation metadata : In different navigations, it is used.
Markup languages ​​include metadata used for interoperability and navigation, properties of Markup languages ​​may include the date, list, heading, name, and paragraphs.

Metadata and Website Searches

The metadata embedded in the website is important for the success of the site. It includes descriptions of websites, keywords, metatags, and more - all of which play a role in search results. & Nbsp; Some common metadata words used when creating a web page include meta title and meta description. The meta title briefly explains the topic of the page to the readers about what they will find on the page, they should open it. The meta description contains further information.

Both types of metadata are displayed on search engines for readers to get quick information about the page. Search engines use this information to group similar items together so that when you search for a specific keyword or group of keywords, the results Be relevant to your search. The metadata of a web page can also include the language that was written on the page, such as an HTML page.

Metadata for tracking

online shopping sites and retailers use metadata to track consumers' activities, habits likes dislikes. Digital marketers follow every click and purchase of yours, storing information about you such as the type of device you use, your location, time of day, and any other data that you can collect legally.
With this information, they create a picture of your routine and interactions, your preferences, your associations, and your habits, and can use that picture to deliver your products to you. & Nbsp; Internet service providers, Governments, and anyone possibly using metadata from web pages, emails, and other places to monitor web activity. & Nbsp; Since metadata is a small representation of large data, this information can be searched And it can be filtered to get information about millions of users simultaneously and can track things like hate speech, threats, etc.

Metadata in computer files

Every file you save on your computer contains some basic information about the file so that the operating system can understand how to deal with it. For example, in Windows, when you look at the properties of a file, you can explicitly specify the name of the file, the type of file, where the file is stored, when the file was created, and when it was last modified. , You can clearly see how much file is taking up space on the hard drive.
This information can be used by the operating system as well as other programs. For example, you can use the file search utility to quickly find files on your computer that were created shortly before today and that is larger than 3 MB.

Metadata in Social Media
Metadata is used in social media platforms suppose if you are looking for someone's profile on Facebook You can see a profile image and a brief description of the Facebook user.

Metadata and Database Management

In the world of database management, metadata can address the size and formatting of a data item and other attributes. It is necessary to interpret the contents of the data in the database. eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is a Markup Language that defines data objects using the metadata format.
For example, if you have a set of data with dates and names, you cannot know what the data is representing or what is described in columns and rows. With basic metadata such as column names, you can quickly look at the database and understand what a particular set of data is describing.

What is not metadata?

Metadata is data that describes data, but it is not data itself. The metadata is stored in a Microsoft Word document. Since metadata is not real data, it can usually be safely made public because it does not give access to raw data to anyone. For example, knowing summary details about a web page or video file is enough to understand what the file is but not enough to actually view the entire page or play the entire video.

Python Features and Applications

Python Features and Applications

What is Python?

Python is a General purpose, Dynamic, High level, and Interpreted programming language. It supports object-oriented programming to develop applications. It is easy to learn and provides a high-level data structure. Python is a powerful and versatile scripting language, making it attractive for application development. Python makes development and debugging faster. Python is not only used in a particular area, it is a Multipurpose Programming Language as it can be used with Web, Enterprise, 3D CAD, etc. In this, we need to declare Variable There is no need to use Data Types because it is dynamically typed so that we can write a = 10 to specify Integer Value in Integer Variable.

Features of Python

  1. Free and Open Source
  2. Easy to use and learn
  3. Interpreted Language
  4. Cross-Platform Language
  5. Object-Oriented Language
  6. Large standard Library
  7. Dynamic Memory Allocation
  8. Expressive Language
  9. Embeddable
  10. Integrated

  • Python is easy to learn and use. It is a developer-friendly and high-level language.
  • Python is a more expressive language which means it is more understandable and readable.
  • Python is an interrupted language, that is, execute line by line in a single way by interpolating code. This makes debugging easier and simple for beginners.
  • Python is platforms independent language that can run on different platforms such as Windows, Linux, Unix, and Macintosh, etc. Therefore, we can say that Python is a portable language.
  • Python language is available free at the official web address. Source-code is also available. Therefore it is open source.
  • Python supports object-oriented languages ​​and uses classes and objects.
  • This means that other languages ​​such as C / C ++ can be used to compile code and thus can be further used in our Python code.
  • Python has a rich set of modules and functions for rapid application development.
  • A graphical user interface can be developed using Python.
  • It can be easily integrated with languages ​​like C, C ++, JAVA, etc.

Python Applications

Python is known for its general-purpose nature and simple syntax which makes it applicable in almost every field of software development. It Can be used in any area of ​​software development. Here, we are specifying the areas where Python can be implemented.

1) Web Applications: Python is also used to develop web applications. Python provides libraries to handle Internet protocols such as HTML and XML, JSON, Email processing, request, beautiful soup, Feedparser, etc. It also provides different types of frameworks like Django, Pyramid, Flask, etc. for designing and removing web applications. Some important developments are PythonWikiEngines, Pocono, PythonBlogSoftware, etc.

2) Desktop GUI Applications: Tk provides GUI Library to develop user interface in Python-based application. Some other useful toolkits are wxWidgets, Kivy, put which are usable on many platforms. Kivy is popular for writing multiblock applications.

3) Software Development: Python is helpful for the software development process. It acts as a support language and can be used for build control and management, testing, etc.

4) Scientific and Numeric: Python is popular and widely used in scientific and numerical computing. Some useful libraries and packages are Pandas, IPython, SciPy,  etc. SciPy is a cluster of engineering, science, and mathematics packages.

5) Artificial Intelligence: Nowadays Python is widely used for AI because python is open source and python has broad open-source libraries used for AI.

Python Features and Applications

Java Introduction, History, and Features

 Java Introduction, History, and Features

Java is a General Purpose Programming Language. It is used for Software and Application Development. java is a High-Level Programming Language. Because all the codes written in it are in English and not in Numeric Codes, one can easily understand the codes written in it. That is why it has been included in the High-Level Language. In 1991 Java was originally developed by Sun Microsystem ink and later purchased by oracle.Java was developed by  Patrick Naughton and James Gosling. It is a simple programming language. Writing a program in Java programming makes it easy to compile and debug, plus it is also helpful in making programming any code useful again. Java is used to create web-based programming, mobile application, and software | All the operating systems of Android like KitKat, Lollipops, Oreo have all been developed from this programming language.

History of JAVA

Earlier Java was named 'Oak', it is the name of a tree. James Gosling and his cooperative where he worked for Java had a tree named 'Oak' and 'Oak' is also the national tree of many countries. That's why the name 'Oak' was named. But the name 'Oak' was already from Oak Technologies. Hence, 'Oak' was later renamed 'Java'.

Java versions

Released Dates

JDK Alpha and Beta


JDK 1.0

23rd Jan 1996

JDK 1.1 - 19th Feb 1997

J2SE 1.2 - 8th Dec 1998

J2SE 1.3 - 8th May 2000

J2SE 1.4 - 6th Feb 2002

J2SE 5.0 - 30th Sep 2004

Java SE 6.0 - 11th Dec 2006

Java SE 7.0 - 28th July 2011

Java SE 8.0 - 18th March 2014

Java terminology

Before learning Java programming, let us understand some common terms related to Java: -

1. Java Virtual machine (JVM) This is commonly known as JVM (Java Virtual machine) Before we discuss JVM, let us see the steps of program execution - in Java the program is written first.

Then it is compiled.

Finally, the program is run.

Java Virtual machine is called JVM in short. It is a Virtual Computer, which runs all Java programs. When a program is written it is called Source Code, the same source code is compiled with the help of Java Compiler to generate Byte Code, JVM is used to execute this Byte Code. There is a JAVA Interpreter inside the JVM which runs the program. 2.

Java Development Kit (JDK)

JDK includes Java Runtime Environment, compiler, and various tools like Java debugger, etc. to compile it to build a Java program. It is mandatory to have JDK to run. 

3. JRE is a part of JDK, which means that JDK includes JRE. When JRE is installed in your system, you can run a java program, JRE in JVM, browser, plugins, and applets. Is included. This means that you need a JRE to run a Java program on your computer.

4. ByteCode is a bytecode intermediate machine-independent code in Java. It is a set of instructions for a Java virtual machine and it performs the same function as Assembler in C ++. In general, a bytecode is a code that is between the Low Level and High-Level languages. Bytecode is not processed by the processor and processed by JVM Java Virtual Machine. JVM's job is to call all the necessary resources to compile Java programs and make Bytecode independent. This is the biggest reason that Java is known as a platform-independent language. The intermediate code can run on any platform such as Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Features of Java

1. Platform Independent language: -It is language-independent, it does not need anything if you want to build software. JVM executes the bytecode created by the compiler. A bytecode that can run on any platform such as Windows, Linux, Mac, etc. operating systems means that the program that is compiled on windows can be run on Linux. Each operating system has different JVMs, however, the code they produce after the execution of bytecode is the same on all operating systems, so Java is a Platform Independent language.

2. Object orientation language:- Java is language, class-based and object-based. It is a way of writing programs as a collection of objects. There are 4 main concepts of object-oriented programming:

  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism

3. Simple:- Java is considered one of the simplest languages ​​because it does not have complications like operator overloading, multiple inheritances, pointers.

4. Robust Language:- Java is a strong and reliable language, the Java programming language has been developed in a way that initially places great emphasis on detecting errors. Javas compiler can detect errors that are not easy to detect in other programming languages. Key features of Java that make it strong

5. Secure:- Java is a secure language, pointers are not available in Java, so you cannot exit Array and if you try to do so, you get an Array Index Out of Bounds exception. This is why Java is called a secure language. Goes

6. Distributed language:- Java programming language we can create distributed applications, RMI (Remote Method Invitation) and EJB (Enterprise Java beans) are used to create distributed applications in Java. In simple words, Java programs can be distributed on more than one system which is connected to each other through the medium of the internet.

7. Multithreading: More than one program can be run simultaneously in this language.

8. Portable: This language can be run on any platform. That is, code written on one machine in Java can be run on another machine.

9 High Performance:- Java's compilers do not take much time for program execution, hence it is considered a high-performing language.

Java Introduction, History, and Features

What is cryptography


If you use the internet, you will hear these words very often and you will have seen a feature called encryption in WhatsApp too. But maybe you do not know what it is, so do not worry, by the end of this audio lesson you will know about this topic.

In the world of the Internet, the term Encryption and Decryption is very popular. Internet is a wide network where nothing is secure, so to protect data in internet encryption technique is used. if you do not implement encryption so Anyone can hack your data and use it for the wrong things.

The process of making the message (or data) unusable or unreadable for all in which only the recipient can understand it is called Encryption. The process (or science) of creating procedures useful for encrypting and decrypting messages is called cryptography. The purpose of this process is only that the message is not decrypted (identified / read) by the suspected user insufficient time.

So what is Cryptography? The word Cryptography is derived from the Greek language word Krypto, which means "Hidden Secrets". Or in other words, it is an art in which we can protect our data and information, through Cryptography we can convert our data into Unreadable Secret Codes which are called Cipher Text, and can read this data the same. Who will have a secret key to decrypt it. Decrypt data is called plain text. There are two processes Encryption and Decryption. It is used to protect E-Mail Messages, Credit / Debit Card details, and other important information. In Encryption, Plain Text is converted to Cipher Text and in Decryption Cipher Text is converted to Plain Text. <Div class = "code-block

How does this work?

So guys when you send a message using an encrypted messaging service (for example WhatsApp), it converts the service message into code, scrambles it, and creates an encryption key. After this, only the right recipient can unlock this message. Digital encryption is extremely complex and that is why it is considered difficult to crack. To strengthen its security, every time two smartphones start communicating with each other, a new set of encryption algorithms is created.

Cryptography has two types

First Symmetric Cryptography in which the keys of Encryption and Decryption are the same means that the data or information is Encrypt and Decrypt using the same key, Second Asymmetric Cryptography in which Keys of both Encryption and Decryption are different means that Encryption in it Public key is used to do this and Private key is used to do the decryption.

Cryptography has many advantages because encryption makes your data completely secure and safe, even if it is hacked or stolen after encrypting the data, no one can access or read your data. And using encryption, your data can only be accessed by anyone who wants to allow access to it or a password will be required.

Distributed System and its advantage disadvantage

 What is Distributed System

"In a Distributed system, multiple Autonomous independent computers are connected together and used as a single system. It is not necessary that all the computers are connected in one place. It can also be connected in different places if all the computers are in the same place. Connected in place, it will be called LAN Distributed System and if all the computers are connected in a different place then it will be called WAN Distributed System. "

Distributed System requires three things

  • Network
  • Distributed Application
  • Middleware Service

The distributed system is made up of a collection of Autonomous computers. These systems are connected through a network and Distribution Middleware. Which enables computers to coordinate with their activities. And shares system resources. So that users get the system as a Single Integrating Computing Facility.

A distributed computer system consists of a number of software components. Which are on multiple computers, but run as a single system. Computers that are in a distributed system can be physically close to each other and are connected through a Local Network. Or they are connected through Wide Area Network. A distributed system may consist of several configurations in the form of mainframes, personal computers, workstations, etc. The goal of Distributed Computing is to create a network that acts like a single computer.

Distributed System is based on the Client-Server Architecture system -

Client-server architecture is a common way of running software on a distributed system is to separate the functions into two parts of the Clients and Servers. A client is a program that uses those services. Which are made available by other programs. Those who provide Programs service. They are called Servers. The client requests a request for a service and the server performs this request.

The general design of the Clients and Server System uses three tiers-

1. A client who interacts with the user.

2. An application server that holds the business logic of the application.

3. Resource manager that stores data.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Distributed System


Hardware used for Computers Component has a low cost depending on performance.

1. Performance

The performance layer is good by using the combined processing and storage capacity of many Nodes. That is, the collection of processes gives better performance than centralized computers.

2. Reliability

Users can change this at the hardware fault. That is, if some machine becomes Crash, System Survive can do it.

3. Distribution

Some applications such as E-Mail and the Web are distributed naturally.

4. Sharing of data/resources

It is necessary to prepare data in many applications. Such as backing reservation system etc.

Disadvantages of Distributed System

1. Software Complexity

Developing distributed software is complex and confusing as compared to traditional software, so it is more expensive to develop it. And there is a lot of Chance of gals in it.

2. Network Problems

Many problems arise due to network infrastructure, due to which there is the loss of message, overloading, etc.

3. Security

The Distribute System consists of several components. Sharing data between these components generates the problem of data security.

4. Design Issue of Distributed System -

Following are its major Design Issue, which is specifically generated from the Distributed Nature of the application.

1. Transparency

2. Communication

3. Performance and Scalability

4. Heterogeneity

5. Openness

6. Reliability and Fault Tolerance


1. Transparency - Under this, the following points are considered

(a) Local and remote resources are accessed using Identical Operations.

(b) Users cannot tell where the hardware and software resources are located, these resources are CPU Files Database, etc. The name of the resource should not encode the location of the resource. (c) Resources should be independent of moving from one location to another without changing their name.

2. The components of the communication-distributed system should be communicated in order to interact. These indicate support on two occasions.

(a) Networking Infrastructure.

(b) Appropriate Communication Primitives and Modems and their Implementation.

3.Performance and Scalability Performance and Scalability - The following major thumb impressions affect a distributed system performance

(a) Performance of individual workstations.

(b) Speed ​​of Communication Infrastructure.

4. Heterogeneity-distributed applications are generally heterogeneous at the following points

(a) Different hardware - Mainframe, Workstations, PCS, Servers, etc.

(b) Different software - Unix, MS Windows IBM OS / 2, Real-time OS, etc.

5. Openness- An important feature of distributed systems is Openness and Flexibility. The following points are considered under this

(a) Each service should be accessed equally by each client.

(b) It is easier to install and debug and implement new services.

6. Reliability and Fault Tolerance- The main advantage of creating a distributed system is to improve reliability.

Reliability- If the machines go bad then the system should work with the number of resources changed. Data should not be lost on the system and copies should be stored correctly on different servers.

7. Security- The following points fall under the security of information resources

(a) Restricting access to the unauthorized person.

(b) Protection against change and corruption.

artificial intelligence and its advantage disadvantage

What is Artificial Intelligence

When we build a computer in such a way that it can function like human intelligence, it is called artificial intelligence, that is, when we set up such programs in a machine that it can work as a human, it can be called artificial intelligence. Where do you go

To understand AI, it is necessary to understand these 6 words.

  • Visual perception
  • Speech Recognition
  • Decision making
  • Language Translation
  • Knowledge
  • Reasoning Ability

According to John McCarthy's father of AI, "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines."

Artificial intelligence is a way of making a computer, a computer-controlled robot, or software think wisely, just as intelligent individuals think. 

Artificial Intelligence is the study in terms of how the human brain thinks, learn, decide and work while trying to solve complex problems and then based on developing intelligent software and systems which uses the results of this study.

The goal of Artificial Intelligence

To build expert systems - systems that display intelligent behavior, learn, display, explain, and recommend to their users and to apply human intelligence in machines by creating systems that can understand, think, learn and behave like humans.

artificial intelligence and its advantage disadvantage

History of Artificial Intelligence

Year Milestone/innovation


The name "Rosam Universal Robots" (RUR) opened in London where & nbsp; in English the word "robot" was first used.


Laid the foundation for neural networks.


Columbia University alumnus Isaac Asimov coined the term robotics.


Alan Turing introduced the Turing test for the assessment of intelligence and published Computing Machinery and Intelligence. Claude Shannon published a detailed analysis of playing chess as a discovery.


John McCarthy coined the term Artificial Intelligence.


J McCarthy invents the LISP programming language for AI.


Joseph Weizenbaum of MIT produced Eliza, a communicative problem that follows a dialogue in English.


Scientists at the Stanford Research Institute developed a robot, a robot equipped with movement, perception, and problem-solving.


The assembly robotics group at the University of Edinburgh created the famous Scottish robot Freddy, which was able to use the vision to locate and assemble the model.


The first computer-controlled autonomous vehicle, the Stanford cart, was built.


Harold Cohen produced and performed the drawing program, Aaron.


Major progress in all areas of AI - • Significant performance in machine learning

• case-based reasoning

• Multi-agent scheme

• Scheduling


The Deep Blue Chase Program defeated the then World Chess Champion, Gary Kasparov.


Interactive robot pets become commercially available. MIT displays a robot that has a face that expresses emotion. The robot wanderer discovers remote areas of Antarctica and detects meteorites.

The major applications of AI

1. Expert System

2. Game Playing

3. Speech Recognition

4. Natural Language

5. Computer Vision

6. Neural Network

7. Robotics

8. Finance

9. Computer Science

10.Weather Forecasting.


artificial intelligence and its advantage disadvantage

Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial intelligence: -

Following are the major benefits of AI: -

1. Machines are used for complex and stressful work, otherwise, they will be performed by Humans.

2. The work assigned to Humans can be completed quickly by machines.

3. The use of robotics is useful in household activities, in addition, it is also useful in outer space and landscape.

4. Work done by Artificial Intelligent Machine is less dangerous than humans.

5. The use of games creates such an environment that you are playing not with a machine but with humans.

6. Error and Defects are less.

7. Complex software can be made easily understandable.

8. Resources and time can be minimized. There is no misuse of resources and time, but the goal can be achieved in a short time.

disadvantages of AI: -

1. The quality of humans is ignorant.

2. There is the ability to replace Human Job which makes Humans vulnerable and increases the fear of losing their job.

3. Human capacities can be replaced by a machine and hence inferiority complex can come in the workers and staff.

4. The new generation can be corrupted.

5. There is no filtering of information.

6. This type of technique can misuse Mass Scale Destruction.

compiler vs interpreter

compiler vs interpreter

Difference between Compiler and Interpreter

Programmers typically write computer programs using a high-level language. A high-level language is a language that a user can understand. The language that the user understands is called source code. However, the computer does not understand high-level language. The computer only understands 0 and 1 binary numbers called machine codes.

To convert source code and high-level language into machine code, both compiler or interpreter are used. But there are differences between how the compiler or interpreter works. The compiler is a translator that converts source code (high-level language) into machine language. Whereas Interpreter is a program that mimics the execution of a program written in source code. The main difference between a compiler and an interpreter is that the compiler translates the entire program at once and tells whatever error occurs while the interpreter translates one line and if there is an error in a line, as long as that error is not fixed, it does not proceed.

What is Compiler?

The compiler is a translator that converts source code (high-level language) into machine language. It translates the source code into machine code to create an executable file. 

The programmer can execute this object file after copying it to another computer. In other words, after the program is compiled it becomes an independently executable file that does not require a compiler to execute.

What is an Interpreter?

An interpreter is a program that performs the task of converting programs written in a high-level language into machine language. The interpreter translates each instruction into machine language alternately. It does not translate all the instruction of high-level language programs into machine language simultaneously.

What is Assembler

Assembler is a program that translates assembly language into machine language & nbsp; Is Apart from this, it translates high-level language into machine language. The assembler can convert mnemonic code such as ADD, NOV, SUB, etc. into binary code.

Difference between compiler and interpreter

compiler vs interpreter

1.Compiler scans the whole program in one go.Translates program one statement at a time.
2.As it scans the whole code in one go, the errors (if any) are shown at the end scans code one line at a time, and errors are shown line by line.
3.Main advantage of compilers is it’s execution time.Interpreters being slow in executing the object code, so it is less preferred.
4.It converts the source code into object scans it line by line



It does not require source code for later execution.

If there is an error in the syntax of the program the compiler tells the error later.

Intermediate object code is generated in it so memory is used in it.

Debugging is not easy 

It requires source code for later execution.

The interpreter translates each line and if an error is present in a line, it does not proceed until the error is corrected.

It does not generate any intermediate object code, so it uses less memory.

It is easy to debug

Eg.C, C++, C# etc.Python, Ruby, Perl, SNOBOL, MATLAB, etc.

A significant difference between compiler and interpreter 

  • The compiler translates the entire program, but the interpreter translates the program with a single line.
  • The compiler is comparatively faster than the interpreter because the compiler can translate the entire program at once while the interpreter compiles each line of code one after the other.
  • The compiler requires more memory than the interpreter due to the generation of object code.
  • The compiler shows all the errors at once while the interpreter translates one line and shows the error.
  • When an error occurs in the program in the compiler, it stops the program and re-translates the entire program after correcting the error. In contrast, the interpreter translates a line and if an error occurs, it stops its translation and translates only after removing the error.
  • compiler process is a two-step process in which the source code is first translated to the target program and then executed. Whereas Interpreter, it processes a step in which the source code is compiled and executed at the same time.
  • The compiler is used in programming languages ​​such as C, C ++, C #, Scala, etc. While Interpreter is used in PHP, Ruby, Python, etc. languages.



#difference between compiler and interpreter

History of computer generations

History of computer generations

The starting phase of the pc wasn't so good, it wont to be very big in size, heavy and expensive. there have been many changes in its technology over time, these changes led to the birth of latest generations of computers, after every generation the scale, type and functionality of the pc was improving, then it became the pc of the time Found -

First Generation Computer

 Timeline - 1942–1955

 Vacuum tubes were utilized in this generation's computers, because of which they were very large in size and power consumption was also very high. These tubes generates lots of warmth. These computers failed to have an software, programs run in it were stored in an exceedingly punchcard. In this, the flexibility to store data was very limited. Machine language was utilized in these computers.

Second generation computer

 Timeline - 1956-1963

 within the second generation computer, the electronic device replaced the transistor. The transistors was better than the thermionic vacuum tube. during this generation, programming language was used rather than machine language in second-generation computers, although punch cards were still accustomed store data.

Third Generation Computer

 Timeline - 1964-1975

 during this generation the transistors were replaced by ICs Integrated Circuits i.e., and therefore the size of the pc became very small, the speed of those computers is decreased from micro seconds to nano seconds, which was possible by scale integrated circuits.These computers began to become small in size and cheap in cost and were easy to use yet. during this generation, high-level languages ​​Pascal and Basic were developed.

Fourth generation computers -

Timeline - 1967-1989

Microprocessors and chips started coming into fourth generation computers by which the scale of computers is extremely reduced and also the capacity is bery increased. The magnetic disc was replaced by semiconductor memory, also because the development of high-speed networks that you simply know as LANs and WANs. this is often the primary time when users were introduced to MS DOS as an software and Microsoft Windows started coming into computers after a while. because of which the practice of multimedia started. At now C language developed by dennis ritchie, which made programming easier.

Fifth generation computers -

Timeline - Since 1989 till now

Things like ULSI Ultra Large-Scale Integration, optical discs was utilized in this generation, storing more data in less space. With this, portable PCs, desktop PCs, tablets etc. revolutionized this field. Internet, email, WWW evolved. You were introduced to the new sorts of Windows, during which Windows XP can't be forgotten. Development remains occurring, the stress is on computing. for instance, you're watching Windows Cortana.

history of computer generation, generation gap, history of computer-oriented language, generation of computer, computer history

What is osi model and characterstics of osi model ,its advantages, disadvantages

 In this article we will read about what is osi model and 7 layers (what is osi model and its 7 layers) in very easy language and will read in detail about its benefits, disadvantages, what is layer. So let's start: 

OSI Model - What is OSI Model

The full name of the OSI model is Open Systems Interconnection, developed by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) in 1978 and the model consists of 7 layers.

This is a reference model for communication between two users in a network. 

Each layer of this model is independent but the transmission of data happened from one layer to another layer.

It describes how to send and receive data or information with in a network. Every layer of OSI model have their own different functions so that data can be easily accessed from one system to another.

OSI model also describes how network hardware and software function as layers with each other.

7 Layers of OSI MODEL - OSI model layer

OSI model has the following 7 layers, let's know them in detail: -


The physical layer is the lowest layer in the OSI model. The Physical layer is responsible for physical and electrical connections such as: - voltage, data rates etc.

In this layer the digital signal is converted into an electrical signal.

In this layer, the topology of the network i.e. the layout of network (network size) also functions in this layer.

This layer also describes whether the communication will be wireless or wired.

This is also called a bit unit.

Its functions

This layer defines how two or more devices connect physically together.

The physical layer defines transmission mode between two devices in the network.Simplex, half-duplex, and full duplex which will be used.

Data link layer

In OSI MODEL this is the second number layer from the bottom.This layer has two sub-layers: -

* MAC (Media Access Control), and

* LLC (Logic Link Control)

In data link layer, packets of data sent by the network layer are decoded and encoded.

This also ensures that these packets of data are error free.

This is also called a frame unit. This layer uses two protocols for data transmission.

1) high-level data link control (HDLC)

2) PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)

3) Its functions

4) This layer translates physical raw bit stream into packets. We call these packets frames.Data Link layer adds header and trailer to these frames.

5) Its main function is to control flow.A fixed data rate is maintained from both ends receiver, sender. So that data is not corrupted.

6) It also controls the error.Cyclic Redundancy Check CRC is added with trailer in it so that there is no error in the data.

7) When two or more devices are connected to a communication channel, this layer determines which device is given access.

Network layer

The network layer is the third layer of the OSI model, this layer uses switching and routing technology. Logical address is function if this layer.

The data in the network layer is in the form of a packet (group of data) and the network layer is responsible for transporting these packets from the source to the destination.

The data link layer is also called a packet unit.

Its functions

Inter-networking is the main responsibility of the network layer. It provides logical connection between different devices.

Source and destination address is added to the header of the frame. The address is used to identify devices in the Internet.

The main work of this layer is routing which determines the best path (s).

Transport layer

Transport layer is fourth layer of OSI model. This layer is used to transfer data from the center of the network correctly. This layer is responsible to provide communication between two computers.

Transport layer is also called segment unit.

Its functions

The main function of the transport layer is to transmit data from one computer to another.

When it recieve the message from upper layers, it divides the message into very abstract segments. Each segment has a sequence number by which each segment can be easily identified.

Transport layer provides two types of service: - 

connection oriented and connection less.

It performs both the functions of flow control and error control.

Session layer

Session layer is fifth layer of the OSI model, which controls connections between most computers.

The session layer provides a session for communication between two devices, that is,

In world wide web(www) when any user login to any web application or website the session is created between the user's computer system and websites server.

Simply the main function of the session layer is to see how the connections are established, maintained and terminated.

Its function

The session layer is acts like a dialog controller.

It fulfills the task of synchronization i.e whenever an error occurs in the transmission, the transmission is repeated again.

Presentation layer

Presentation layer is the sixth layer of the OSI model. This is used for encryption and decryption of data. It is also used for data compression.


The function of this layer is encryption. It is used for privacy.

To read full encryption, click on the link below.

what is encryption

Its main function is also compression. Compression is very important because we can reduce the size of the data by compressing it.

Application layer

Application layer is the seventh or highest layer in OSI model. The main function of the application layer is to provide an interface between our actual application and other layers. 

This is closest to the end user. Various Protocols like SMTP HTTP FTP and NFS come under this layer.

Application layer controls how an application accesses the network.


Through the application layer, the user can access the files from the remote computer and retrieve the files.

It provides the facility to forward and store email.

Through this, we can access the directory from the database.

There are 7 layers in the OSI model, it is a bit difficult to remember them, so below you have been given an easy way so that you can remember it easily: -

P-Pyare (Dear)

D-Dost (friend)

N-Naveen (Naveen)

T-tumhari (yours)

S-Shaadi (Wedding)


A-Aaunga (I will).

Advantage of OSI model

Its benefits are as follows: -

1: - This is a generic model and is considered a standard model.

2: - OSI model layers

That is, it is very specific for services, interfaces, and protocols.

3: - It is a very flexible model because any protocol can be implemented in it.

4: - It provides both connection oriented and connection less services.

5: - It implements divide and conquer technique in which all services work in different layers.This makes easy to maintain and administrate OSI model.

6: - All the layers are separated snd ekrks independently if one layer modified so it does not affect other layers.

7: - It is very secure and adaptable.

Disadvantage of OSI model

1; - It does not define any particular protocol.

2: - It is sometimes difficult to implement new protocols because this model was made before the invention of these protocols.

3: - In this there is duplication of services such that both transport and data link layer have error control method.

4: - All these layers are interdependent on each other.

Characteristics of OSI model

This model is divided in One upper layers and the other lower layers.

Upper layer handles application related issues which applies only to software.

The lower layers of OSI model handle issues related to data transport.

The main function of the physical layer is to place the data or information in the physical medium.

keep learning ………

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What is Deadlock? conditions of deadlock, deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance,deadlock detection, disadvantages of deadlock

What is Deadlock? conditions of deadlock, deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance,deadlock detection, disadvantages of deadlock

Hello friends! Today we will read about Deadlock in (what is the deadlock in the operating system?) In this post and will also see its conditions. Read it completely. So let's start: -

Deadlock is a condition in which two or more processes fight or require for only one resource, due to which no one is able to access the resource.

In other words, " Deadlock condition occurs when two or more resources is requiring a resource to complete their process execution but that require resources is in use by another process by which the execution of process wont be completed ".

It is a situation in the operating system in which one process  goes to waiting state because the resource is held by another process.

For example suppose there are two friends who wants to ride bike due to which both are fighting.One has a bike key and the other has money for petrol.
So in this condition neither of the two friends are able to ride bike and neither of them is ready for cooperation.This is called deadlock.

Fig: -deadlock

In picture we have two processes x1 and x2 and two resources Rk1 and k2.k1 is allocated to process x1, and k2 is allocated to process x2. But x1 needs k2 to complete the process so it requests k2, but k2 is already allocated with x2.

Same as process x2 requires k1 to complete its execution, but k1 is already allocated with x1.
Both x1 and x2 will always wait for each other's resources. This is called DEADLOCK.

Conditions of Deadlock

Deadlock has four conditions, which are as follows: 

  • mutual exclusion
  • hold & wait
  • no preemption
  • circular wait
1: - Mutual exclusion - In this case, there is one such resource which cannot be shared between processes.

In this, only one process can use the resource at a time. That is, no two processes can use one resource at a time.

2: - Hold & wait - In this, the process keeps holding one resource while waiting for another resource.

3: - No preemption - A resource which is allocated for a process cannot be forcibly allocated to another process. Process releases the resource on its own.

4: - Circular wait - In this, every process waits for a resource which is held by another process and all the processes wait for resources in the form of a circle. Therefore it is called circular wait.

Deadlock Prevention - Stop deadlock

To prevent deadlock, we have to prevent any one of the four conditions above the deadlock from happening. Only then can we stop the deadlock from happening.

Mutual exclusion - If we can share a resource, then we can prevent mutual exclusion from happening. But we have many resources which cannot be shared such as - tape driver, printer etc. Because of this we cannot always prevent deadlock by mutual exclusion.

Hold & Wait - If we allocate the resource before the execution of the process, we can prevent the condition of hold and wait from happening. But its disadvantage is that it reduces the utilization of the device very much.

No preemption - We can prevent this condition from happening by releasing a resource held by a process.

Circular wait - To prevent this condition, we can allocate resources in decreasing or increasing order of the process.

Deadlock avoidance -

Deadlock prevention algorithm is much less effective as it reduces the utilization of the device and the throughput of the system. But we can avoid deadlock.

To avoid the deadlock, we use the bank penalty algorithm.

Deadlock Detection

The os can detect deadlocks using a resource scheduler. Resource scheduler helps to track the resources allocated to all the processes of the operating system. So whenever a deadlock occurs, it is solved using algorithms.

Disadvantage of Deadlock

Its disadvantages are as follows: -

This causes delays in the execution of the process.
In this, the process should know what resource it will need in the future.
Preemption occurs more often than necessary.
Benefits of Deadlock -
Its benefits are as follows: -

This situation is good for processes that perform only one task.
deadlock avoidance requires no preemption.
references: -

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I keep bringing you fresh new notes and articles. If you have any suggestion or have any question related to any subject, then you can also tell it by commenting below. I will put it in 1-2 days. Thanks.

Datastructure Queue and types of queue

data structure Queue

Today we will read about the data structure queue in this post, so let's start: -

Queue is a non-primitive and linear data structure, it works on the principle of first in first out (FIFO), ie the item that is added first will be removed first and the item that is added last. is added, it will be removed at the end.

We often use Queue in our real world, let's see an example of this: -

"Let's take the example of railways, a person who is first on the railway ticket reservation line and goes first with a ticket, a person who is engaged in the last will go out at the end."

data structure Queue and types of queue

Queue consists of two major operations: -

1. Enqueue

2. Dequeue

When we insert an item in Queue, that process is called Enqueue and when we remove an item from Queue, that process is called Dequeue.

Terms of Queue: - Queue has the following conditions: -

1: - If FRONT is <0, Queue is empty (empty).

2: - If REAR = size of Queue, then Queue is full.

3: - If there is FRONT <REAR, there is at least one item in Queue.

4: - If you want to know the total number of items in Queue, then :-( REAR-FRONT) +1.

Queue types: -

Queue types in a data structure are as follows: -

1: - Circular queue

2: - Dequeue.

1. Circular queue:

Circular queue is also called ring-buffer. The last node in the circular queue is connected to the first node. So that the circle is formed.In Circular Queue, the item is added from the rear end and the item is removed from the front end.

2. Dequeue:

The full name of the dequeue is double-ended queue. Dequeue is a data structure in which we can also add and remove items from both front and rear end.

There are two types of dequeue which are as follows: -

1: - Input-restricted Dequeue

2: - Output-restricted Dequeue.

1. - Input-restricted Dequeue

Items in this type of queue can be deleted from both ends but can only be inserted from one end.

2: - Output-restricted Dequeue

In this type of queue, items can be inserted from both sides but only one can be deleted from the end.

Request: -If you have any questions or any topics related to subjects related to a computer, then tell us, we will publish it here in Hindi within a day or two. And share this post of queue types with your friends.

TCP/IP Model and its advantages disadvantages


Hello friends! In today's post, we will read about TCP / IP model in Hindi (What is TCP / IP model?) In a very easy language and if we know in detail about its layers, let's start: -

TCP / IP Model

The full name of TCP / IP is Transmission control protocol (TCP) and internet protocol (IP). TCP / IP is also the protocol of www i.e World Wide Web that we used in Internet.

The TCP / IP model is used for end-to-end communication. It was called the U.S. in the mid-1970s and 1980s. department of defense (D.O.D.).

This model determines how a particular computer connects to the internet and the transmission of data between them. This model helps us to create a virtual network when many computer networks are interconnected.

The main purpose of the TCP / IP model is to provide communication over great distances. That is, we can also communicate with the network located at a very distance from it.

The TCP / IP model has 4 layers which are as follows: -

  1. Host-to-network (network access) layer
  2. Internet layer
  3. Transport layer
  4. Application layer

1. Network Access layer:- This layer is the lowest layer in the TCP / IP model.

The network access layer tells about how data is sent to the network.

This layer is a combination of the data link layer and physical layer defined in the OSI model.

This layer is responsible for the transmission of data between two devices in the same network.

 The function of this layer is to encapsulate the IP datagram transmitted by the network into frames and map the IP address to the physical address.

  The protocols used by this layer are: ethernet, FDDI, token ring, x.25, frame Relay.

  2. Internet layer

This layer is located between the transport layer and the application layer. This layer provides connectionless communication in the network.

     In this, the data is packaged as IP datagrams, it contains datagram source and destination IP address so that the data can be sent and received easily.

The following protocols are used by this layer: -

       IP protocol - Its full name is internet protocol and its main function is to deliver packets from source to destination. It has two versions IPv4 and IPv6.

ARP - Its full name is address resolution protocol. Its function is to search for physical address from ip address. There are many types of this: - Such as: - RARP, PARP etc.

ICMP - Its full name is internet control message protocol. Its task is to inform the host about problems encountered in the network.

Transport layer

This layer is responsible for the transmission of data. This layer is located between the application layer and the Internet layer.

It is also responsible for the reliability, flow control and correction of data.

Two main protocols work in this layer: -

1: - Transmission control protocol (TCP)

2: - User datagram protocol (UDP)

3. Application layer

This layer is the highest layer in the TCP / IP model.

This layer is related to providing network service to applications.

This layer provides communication to the user; Such as: -Web browser, e-mail, and other applications.

The application layer sends data to the transport layer and receives data from it.

The function of this layer is to handle high-level protocols.

This layer allows the user to interact with the application.

Following are the protocols used in the application layer: -

HTTP and HTTPS: - The full name of HTTP is hypertext transfer protocol. Through this we can access the data in internet. It transfers data in the form of text, audio, video. The full name of HTTPS is HTTP-secure. When we use ssl with http it becomes https.

SNMP - Its full name is simple network management protocol. It is a framework that is used to manage devices in the internet.

SMTP - Its full name is simple mail transfer protocol. It is used to send data from one e-mail to another e-mail address.

DNS - Its full name is domain name system. It is used to map ip address.

SSH - Its full name is Secure Shell. It is used for encryption.

Advantage of TCP / IP Model

Its benefits are as follows: -

  • It helps us to establish the connection in different types of computers.
  • It works independent of the operating system.
  • It supports a lot of routing protocols.
  • It is a very scalable client-server architecture.
  • It works independently.
  • This is an open protocol suite. That is, it does not belong to any one company, so any person, company can use it.

Disadvantages of TCP/IP Model
  • This is a complicated model so it is difficult to setup and manage.
  • The transport layer of this model does not guarantee delivery of packets.
  • It is not easy to replace protocols in it.
  • The concept of services, interfaces and protocols is not different in this, so it is not suitable to describe it in new technology.
  • It was designed for wide area network (WAN). It has not been optimized for LAN (local area network) and personal area network (PAN).

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applications of computer graphics

applications of computer graphics

computer graphics applications: -

Today we will read about computer graphics applications.Computer Graphics are used in every computer areas nowadays. Use of graphics to make movies, video games. In developing computer programs, in scientific modeling and protocol design, and in other commercial arts.

So today we will read in detail about computer graphics applications in this post. So let's start: -

1: - Graphics Design: - Graphics design is a process by which visual and textual content is created. Images, symbols and words are used to make visual and textual presentations.

2: - Paint programs: - Through this we can make freehand drawing, that is, we can make painting by hand. The images in it are stored as bit maps which can be easily edited.

This is a graphics program through which we can draw pictures on the display screen, these pictures are displayed as bitmaps.

Nowadays most of all paint programs make tools available as icons. We can work related to that icon by selecting the icon. With this, we can easily make straight lines, rectangles, circles and oval through paint programs.

3: - information graphics: - information graphics means to display information visually. Information graphics are used when information (data) is complex, then use graphics to explain that information well and quickly,

4: - CAD Software: - It is used by engineers and architects to design objects. 2-D and 3-D objects are made by this. Like a software is autocad.

CAD is used to give special effects in movies, and also in advertising.

5. Web Design: - Web design means designing websites and webpages that are displayed on the Internet.

To design a website, animation, communication design, graphic design, SEO (search engine optimization), and information architecture etc. have to be utilized.

6: - Video games: - Video game which is an electronics game in which some pictures are displayed on the screen to the user with whom they interact. All these video games are made with the help of graphics.

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Computer Graphics and its types

 In this article, we will read about computer graphics, so let's start?

Computer Graphics and its Types

What is computer graphics?

computer graphics is an art in which images, lines, and charts, etc., are created by programming in a computer.

A simple image or picture can say thousands of sentences.

In other words, making pictures in computer screens is computer graphics.

computer graphics is made up of very abstract pixels. A pixel is the smallest unit of graphics seen on a computer screen.

The term computer graphics was first used by Verne Hudson and william fetter in the 1960s.

When we draw a picture in a paper, we use pencil, color, and eraser in it. If something goes wrong while making a picture in paper, we erase it with rubber, then it gets stained or blackened and if the color looks wrong then we have to make another picture in another paper which is a difficult and difficult Work.

To avoid this problem and to make a picture easily, we use computer graphics. By which we can draw any picture. Any change in it like rotate, swap color, shift picture etc. can do many abstract work.

Computer graphics are used in painting, desktop publishing, autocad for building architecture, making games, making movies, forecasting weather in science, etc.

Types of computer graphics: -

Following are the types of computer graphics.

1: - Interactive computer graphics

2: - Non Interactive computer graphics

1: - Interactive computer graphics: - Interactive computer graphics is the graphics in which the operator and user can interact with one or more input devices with the graphical data (information) shown in the display. That is, the user can make changes in the image.

There is two way communication between the user and the computer.

Nowadays all work stations and computer systems use interactive.

In this, the user requests the computer through the input device and the computer changes the picture or image according to the request sent by the input device. The user can give any number of commands through the input device and the computer generates pictures according to those commands.

2: - non interactive computer graphics: - non interactive computer graphics is also called passive computer graphics.

Passive computer graphics is a graphics in which the user does not have any kind of control over the picture or image that appears on the computer, meaning that the user cannot interact with the pictures.

The user can only see the image on the computer, there is no change in it.

There is only one way communication between the user and the computer.

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Risk and its types in software engineering

Risk and its types in software engineering

Risk is the future possibility term, in which we get
negative and undesirable results which are probably
is 0-100%. But this a probability not true.

Types of risk:-
1. Management risk
2. Technical risk
3. Financial or budget risk
4. Schedule risk
5. Contractual & legal risk
6. Operational risk

1. Management risk:-The main causes are planning was
not done effectively.
  • Due to the lack of planning.
  • The experience of management is minimum and due to the lack of training.
  • Due to the lack of communication performance.
  • The solution of organizations matter was not found

2. Technical risk:-
  • Changes always came in basic needs.
  • A new technique was not present.
  • Coding was not present in the high-level language.
  • The ability of software is not so good.
3. Budget risk:-The money is a big factor in any project.
So it has many risks. There are some causes:-
  • The software was not complete in the analyzed budget.
  • The number of changes in software increased day by day.
  • The work/size of the project was increased.
4. Scheduled risk: The -Project was not complete in scheduled
time. The project was increased, unfortunately. The
changes did not track in the right way. The price of
resources is increased.

5. Contractual & legal risks:-
  • The project was not developed in the rules of the government.
  • The software shows problems under warranty.
  • The requirement of software was changed.
  • Security etc.
6. Operational risks:-
  • The process was not applied correctly.
  • Due to the lack of team spirit.
  • Due to the lack of responsibility of the developer.
  • Due to the lack of practice.
  • Due to the lack of communication between the team.
7. Other risks:-
  • Changes come in government policy.
  • Tools are not present appropriately.
  • Facilities were not present.
  • Computer resources were not present.
  • Due to the lack of contracts.
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sublime text 3 c++ setup

C++ setup on windows

Hi, guys if you want to execute C++ programs in your windows system, 
Then the combination of Sublime text editor and mingw c++ compiler is the best choice. So please follow the steps and make your system to execute your C++ programs.
Note: Make sure your system is connected to the internet for package installation.
Path To Download Sublime text3 setup
Path To Download MinGW setup

Steps to follow

1. Install the C++ compiler i.e mingw from
2. Setup the environment variables.
3. Configure Sublime text3 to compile C++ programs.

follow Steps to Build Execute and Run your C++ Program

  • To Build Program = Ctrl + B(Please set Tools >> Build System >> C++ Single File before)
  • To Execute Program = Ctrl + Shift + T
  • To run your program write ./yourfilename.exe i.e (dot. slash/yourfilename.exe )
The specified Please watch the video and follow the installation steps carefully.

Youtube video Link

If you guys found this article and video helpful then please comment like share and subscribe to my youtube channel.

Freelance Work: Advantages And Disadvantages

Freelance Work: Advantages And Disadvantages

The trending word «freelance» appeared in our vocabulary in recent years. It means working outside independently from the boundaries of any company. Freelancers can participate simultaneously in several projects or work for several companies, while not being a full-time employee of any of them.

For some people, the opportunity to become a freelancer is true and a platform to prove their skills and earn in terms of multiplications of money:

there are no early rises at 7 in the morning to catch an office by the working day beginning;
there are no annoying bosses who constantly monitor your work progress;
there is no need to ride the subway at rush hour or stand in traffic for hours.
In the first view, freelancing is working from home and has only advantages. But this is only at first glance. In fact, freelance has both advantages and disadvantages, and not everyone can become a freelancer. First of all, you need to take into account the workflow specifics. Freelancers are most often people of creative professions — designers, illustrators, photographers, etc. Freelance online work is also common in IT, journalism, philology (translation of texts and books), marketing, engineering, and many other fields, which are quite demanding to qualification level.

Lion’s share of time, freelancers themselves look for clients (most often — via the Internet). To believe facts, people's working as a freelancer have an income of 1.5-2 times more than specialists in similar professions, but working in the office for a particular company.

So, is freelancing and working from home is so attractive as it seems? Should I say goodbye to the office and embark on «free swim»? To understand this, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons of freelancers’ lifestyle and work.

Freelance online work advantages
Perhaps, the most important advantage is the independent time schedule. The freelancer receives the task and deadlines for its completion (sometimes, he appoints deadlines himself), but he decides on what hours to work on his own. It is more convenient for someone to sleep before lunch and work until mid-night — a freelancer can afford it. However, the widespread belief that a freelancer has a lot of free time is a fallacy.
In fact, when you become a freelancer, you work even more as much as an office worker;
Freelancers seek clients and can choose projects on their own choices in which they will be interested.
Each freelancer has a certain price for work.
Freelancer is a financially independent specialist. He receives exactly as much money for each completed project as he really earned. No more, no less. He cannot be deprived of part of his salary or fined for any violation, as is often the case at enterprises (for example, for systematic lateness, incorrect behavior or other oversights).
Freelancer has access to an unlimited number of potential clients. The Internet offers tremendous opportunities for freelance work from home and finding customers across the entire globe;
A freelancer can combine several professions at once. If you are very good at software, but at the same time writing stunning oil paintings, why not be a programmer and a painter at the same time?
While you work through the Internet (communicate with customers, receive orders and give work done — and all this happens online), you can afford to work from anywhere in the world. What should you take a ticket, say, to Thailand, and live there a couple of months, without violating your workflow? This is a great opportunity to change the working environment;
A freelancer cannot be fired. A freelancer will never hear these unpleasant words: «You are fired!», which often causes a psychological blow and drive them into a depression.
Freelance online work disadvantages
A freelancer can have lots of orders in one period, while in another — not have them at all.
Consequently, by freelancing anyone cannot always hope for regular earnings.
When a freelancer starts working with each new customer, a lot of time can be spent discussing working conditions and payment methods.
A freelancer always runs the risk of being cheated in terms of paying for work. When the employee is not documented, and his location can be quite far from the company, the employer is tempted to receive completed order, but not to pay for it. Of course, not all of them are such persons, but a freelancer always has chances to run into an unscrupulous customer;
A freelancer works at home — usually, alone. Team working is attractive because you can ask your colleagues for advice on the work process, talk with them during lunch break, and celebrate corporate holidays together outside office hours, and just make friends. A freelancer is deprived of such communication. But, considering freelance work advantages and disadvantages, this is a flaw not for all people;
The freelance work from home can easily disorganize a person. A freelancer needs to gather all his will into a fist and work, even when he doesn’t want to. In the office, there is a boss who makes sure that you work, and it will be quite difficult to get distracted by extraneous matters.
Relatives, friends, and acquaintances may not take freelancer’s work seriously. «You just sit at home and click something on the computer, is this work?» they will say.
Not everyone understands that a freelancer also works, answer a phone call, People can think of a freelancer as «a person who dallying every day at home» (which is actually not the case) can put pressure and psychological discomfort on morally;
There is another drawback, although in modern society it is already losing its significance, and for many, it will not be a significant minus. This is the lack of a social package. If a freelancer gets sick — no one will pay him sick leave, if he wants to go on vacation — he will have to adjust his schedule himself so that he can afford to take a break from work for a couple of weeks.