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Python Features and Applications

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Python Features and Applications

What is Python?

Python is a General purpose, Dynamic, High level, and Interpreted programming language. It supports object-oriented programming to develop applications. It is easy to learn and provides a high-level data structure. Python is a powerful and versatile scripting language, making it attractive for application development. Python makes development and debugging faster. Python is not only used in a particular area, it is a Multipurpose Programming Language as it can be used with Web, Enterprise, 3D CAD, etc. In this, we need to declare Variable There is no need to use Data Types because it is dynamically typed so that we can write a = 10 to specify Integer Value in Integer Variable.

Features of Python

  1. Free and Open Source
  2. Easy to use and learn
  3. Interpreted Language
  4. Cross-Platform Language
  5. Object-Oriented Language
  6. Large standard Library
  7. Dynamic Memory Allocation
  8. Expressive Language
  9. Embeddable
  10. Integrated

  • Python is easy to learn and use. It is a developer-friendly and high-level language.
  • Python is a more expressive language which means it is more understandable and readable.
  • Python is an interrupted language, that is, execute line by line in a single way by interpolating code. This makes debugging easier and simple for beginners.
  • Python is platforms independent language that can run on different platforms such as Windows, Linux, Unix, and Macintosh, etc. Therefore, we can say that Python is a portable language.
  • Python language is available free at the official web address. Source-code is also available. Therefore it is open source.
  • Python supports object-oriented languages ​​and uses classes and objects.
  • This means that other languages ​​such as C / C ++ can be used to compile code and thus can be further used in our Python code.
  • Python has a rich set of modules and functions for rapid application development.
  • A graphical user interface can be developed using Python.
  • It can be easily integrated with languages ​​like C, C ++, JAVA, etc.

Python Applications

Python is known for its general-purpose nature and simple syntax which makes it applicable in almost every field of software development. It Can be used in any area of ​​software development. Here, we are specifying the areas where Python can be implemented.

1) Web Applications: Python is also used to develop web applications. Python provides libraries to handle Internet protocols such as HTML and XML, JSON, Email processing, request, beautiful soup, Feedparser, etc. It also provides different types of frameworks like Django, Pyramid, Flask, etc. for designing and removing web applications. Some important developments are PythonWikiEngines, Pocono, PythonBlogSoftware, etc.

2) Desktop GUI Applications: Tk provides GUI Library to develop user interface in Python-based application. Some other useful toolkits are wxWidgets, Kivy, put which are usable on many platforms. Kivy is popular for writing multiblock applications.

3) Software Development: Python is helpful for the software development process. It acts as a support language and can be used for build control and management, testing, etc.

4) Scientific and Numeric: Python is popular and widely used in scientific and numerical computing. Some useful libraries and packages are Pandas, IPython, SciPy,  etc. SciPy is a cluster of engineering, science, and mathematics packages.

5) Artificial Intelligence: Nowadays Python is widely used for AI because python is open source and python has broad open-source libraries used for AI.

Python Features and Applications

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