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types of operating systems in computer


types of operating systems in computer

operating system
Operating system is a software program that is located between computer users and computers, and acts as an interface between application program and computer hardware.

types of operating system in computer
The following is its type
  1. Real Time
  2. Batch
  3. Distributed
  4. Network
  5. Single user - Multi user
  6. Single tasking - Multi tasking
1.Real Time operating system (RTOS)
The real time operating system is the operating system that meets the task at the given time. It is a very fast operating system in which time is very short. It supports real time application
And they are used for industrial and scientific work.

types of operating system in computer

It is of two types
1: - hard real time
2: - soft real time

1: - Hard real time operating system: - This operating system guarantees that the task will be completed in the given time. It is very strict.
2: - Soft real time: - This operating system also tries to accomplish that given task is completed on time and those who are the highest priority task must be completed before, but there is no guarantee of completion at the time of the task. Does not happen This is a bit less strict. </ P>

types of operating system in computer
2.Batch operating system
The batch does not interact directly with operating system users.
In this operating system, a batch of similar jobs is created and that batch is stored in the punch card (it stores digital data) and that punch card is given to the operator
And that operator gives the punch card to the computer for processing and the computer then completes the jobs in that card in a sequential manner.

types of operating system in computer

The biggest problem with this operating system was that it could not interact directly with users. If there was any disturbance in any job then all jobs were affected. And other jobs had to wait until the disturbance was correct.
The other problem was that one should have all kinds of jobs in a batch and it took more time to make the batch.

types of operating system in computer
3.Distributed operating system (DOS)
Distributed operating systems are systems that store data and distribute it on very narrow locations.
The central operating system is used in distributed operating systems, and data processing jobs are distributed among these processors.
This central processor can be a computer, site, node or any other device. All these processors are interconnected with each other through communication lines.

types of operating system in computer
Its Benefits
One advantage of distributed OS is that if users are on a computer then they can access data / resources of another computer.
Data is also exchanged via email, which increases the speed of data exchange.
If a site or computer is closed in the distributed system then it can be worked out from other computers.
This simplifies the process of data processing.

types of operating system in computer
4.Network operating system
The network operating system is an operating system that runs on the server.
types of operating system in computer

This OS has such functions that the computer, work station or other device is connected to the local area network.
The main purpose of this OS is to share files between LANs in many servers, share applications, share databases, share printers and make security available.
Examples of this OS are: - Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, linux, unix, mac OS. e.t.c.

types of operating system in computer
5.Multi user single user operating system
single user Operating System is the operating system in which only one user can access the computer system at a time.
However, the Multi User Operating System is the operating system in which a lot of users can access the computer system at a time.

Single tasking and Multi Tasking opeating system
Single tasking Operating System is an OS, which can be done only once in a single task. palm OS is an example.
However, the multitasking operating system is the operating system in which a lot of work can be done at one time.
Microsoft's Windows, Apple's Mac OS are examples of this.
Like in Windows, we can listen to songs at the same time, write something in Notepad, and download songs from the Internet. We can do all these work at the same time.